How To Check Your Shell Gift Card Balance
Check Shell Gift Card Balance
Royal Dutch Shell plc, commonly known as Shell, is a British–Dutch multinational oil and gas company headquartered in the Netherlands and incorporated in the United Kingdom. It is one of the six oil and gas “supermajors” and the sixth-largest company in the world measured by 2016 revenues (and the largest based in Europe). Royal Dutch Shell was established in 1907, they are providing oil and gas services in different locations with thousands of stations in every state. Besides this, you can enjoy its service of gift cards. By using this gift card one can easily redeem these gift cards for different purposes related to oil and gas services. Once can redeem for automobile parts, car washes, and for gas and oil. You can check the balance of your gift card online, in-store, and through the helpline. Follow the given below instructions to check your balance within five minutes.
How To Check Your Gift Card Balance?
To check your Shell Gift Card Balance online, here’s what you go to do:
- Click on this link. This will take you to the Shell Gift Card Balance Checker.
- In the next step as you get access to the page then you are supposed to enter the 19-digit card number of your gift card without any space.
- Click on the “submit” button.
- You can check the details of your gift card.
Check Balances At Stores:
You can access Shell stores to get card balance services.
- First of all, you have to locate a store through google Maps that is near to your place.
- Once you have got the address, visit that place and use the card machine to make an inquiry about the card balance.
Check Balance With Customer Service:
Follow this method If you want to get customer service support for a balance check.
- Make a call on this number 1-888-743-5504 to dial customer support service online.
- You are required to carefully concentrate customer support instructions.
- You have to choose a helpline extension for card balance.
- In the next step enter the card number and wait.
- You will be informed about your gift card balance.
Where Can You Use My Gift Card?
For members, these cards can also be used on Shell.com and at Shell stores.
How Can You Replace A Stolen Or Lost Gift Card?
For lost or stolen gift cards please go to your nearest store with your original receipt. It can only be replaced with the original receipt.
What You Can Do If You Have A Gift Card Without A PIN?
If you have a gift card without a PIN, you cannot use it online but you can use it at a store. You are unable to check the balance of your gift card without a PIN but you can operate it for a new card with a PIN at one of Shell stores.
The Minimum And Maximum Value Of Shell Gift Card Which Can Be Refilled?
The maximum value of a shell refillable gift card is $300 and the minimum is $25.